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3 Books to Kickstart your Spiritual Journey {My favorite spiritual guidance books}

My favorite spiritual guidance books!

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I don't know about you, but I'm a bibliophile. There's just something about the energy of a physical book over a digital one {but you do you boo} that gets me all excited to learn about different topics. The smell of a good library book, the sound the spine makes when you first open a hardcover, the way the pages feel as you turn them....very meditative to me and I'm hoping since you're here; it's something you will enjoy as well!

Many people who are starting on their spiritual journey come to me and ask if there's a good place to start. Now, obviously, the internet has many great resources, but I personally like to recommend books. I like to get these highlighters to keep track of important information while I read, maybe make some notes in the margins for quick reference when I need some inspiration. Ooh, also sticky notes and page flags and all that, yeah, I'm a little extra! (don't mind my ADHD brain, she's awesome!)

I have recommended these books for you because I believe in what they have to say. Each one came to me exactly when I needed them, but that's just how the universe is huh? When I started my journey I wanted clear guidance, I knew I wanted to change my relationships with others, with myself and with the universe and I feel as though these 3 books really did that for me.

The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer: this was a book I needed to take in chunks. It was kept at my bedside and shuffled in between a few chakra and energy healing books that I was wanting to read at the time. I just noticed myself grabbing it exactly when I needed the lessons it provided!

A major quote that really called to me is "Real spiritual growth happens when there is only one of you inside. There's not a part that's scared and another part that's protecting the part that's scared. All parts are unified. Because there is no part of you that you are not willing to see, the mind is no longer divided into the conscious and subconscious."

The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz: this came into my life when I was dealing with the end of a relationship. It was very eye opening and gave me such a strong connection to what it means to love, loving yourself and loving others!

A couple important quotes from this book would be "Becoming aware is about being responsible for your own life." and "The real mission you have in life is to make yourself happy, and in order to be happy, you have to look at what you believe, the way you judge yourself, the way you victimize yourself."

Such a beautiful resource for those who are looking to release fear around love!

The Four Agreements is another great book by Don Miguel! You can actually get this whole bundle of his books to really pad your spiritual library!

The Universe Has Your Back by Gabby Bernstein: this is a sort of step-by-step guide how to lean into the power of the universe! It was a pivotal book on my journey that allowed me to be in a much better flow with the universe and really feel supported in my decisions.

One of my favorite quotes from Gabby is "You have the power t be a spiritual activist. Through your positive energy you can bring forth great healing to everyone around you. The energy we put out is either polluting the planet or healing it. Which do you choose?"

Just a quaint little list of books when you're not sure where to start! {Also, great gift giving idea for your favorite hippie badasses!}

I hope you find as much joy and clarity in these books as I have! So much love and light to you on this journey!



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